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Kelly Bumb was born and raised in a suburb in northwest Tucson, Arizona. She grew up playing all kinds of sports, but it was Volleyball that brought her to Prescott, Arizona. While playing for the Yavapai College Volleyball team, Kelly found her passion for Graphic Design. She studied for three years to earn an Associates of Arts degree, an Associates of Applied Science in Graphic Design degree, and Graphic Design certificate. During her time at the college, Kelly created a position for herself, working as the Graphic Designer for the Athletic Department. Having total creative freedom helped Kelly get a feel for her style of graphic design. Since transferring to UNC-Chapel Hill, Kelly has joined the design team for "To The Well," a Christian thought journal.

"I make various types of graphic art. I like my art to have a function or purpose, so I design logos, posters, infographics, banners, business cards, postcards, etc. Utilizing a combination of Adobe programs, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, I can craft almost anything. I enjoy the integration of photography with graphics. Art has always been a passion of mine. Growing up, I showed a high level of competency and skill in all things electronic. When I found Graphic Design, I was able to combine my love for both art and electronics, to make electronic art. With my body of work, I would like to say that I convey the message accurately and in the most aesthetically pleasing way. I believe design enhances the message.  I am influenced by a minimalist style because the clean and simple look is popular right now. It’s modern and easy to understand, which is half of the battle when you’re a Graphic Designer. The direction I see my work going in is bold and recognizable imagery. I want people to see my work and know it's mine!" 



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